This is a Test version of Inanis Invictus on Berlin. All data and information is used for testing purposes only and may not reflect the actual products or services.

Asset Packs

Purchase Asset Packs and Bonus Packs

Asset Packs Basics

Asset packs are the primary method to purchase Inanis Invictus NFTs. Each asset pack contains 4 randomly generated NFT assets with weighted distribution based on size and rarity. NFTs generated using this method are automatically assigned to the crypto wallet address that purchases them. The chances of drawing a specific ship size and rarity are outlined below. The ship size is rolled first, then the indicated rarity.

Ship Sizes
  • Corvette (30%)
  • Frigate (30%)
  • Destroyer (20%)
  • Cruiser (15%)
  • Dreadnought (5%)
Prestige (Rarity)
  • Common (50%)
  • Honored (35%)
  • Legendary (10%)
  • * Limited (4.75%)
  • ** Distinguished (0.25%)

ICON CPS Contributions

7.5% of each asset pack purchase is donated to the ICON Contribution Proposal System (CPS) to fund additional projects on the ICON blockchain network.

VOID Exchange Liquidity

17.5% of each asset pack purchase will be used to support VOID token liquidity on supported exchanges.

* Limited rarity ships have a limited number of mints. The number is determined by the specific template, however once the limit is met no more limited ships of that type can be minted. In these cases, a legendary ship will be minted instead.

** Distinguished rarity ships are entirely unique and only 1 ship of these types will ever be minted. Once a distinguished ship is minted, it is removed from the drop table. In cases where a distinguished drop was pulled and no remaining distinguished ships remain, a limited rarity ship of the appropriate ship size will be drawn instead, if applicable. If no limited ships are available in the same ship size, then a legendary ship will be minted instead.

To see the availability and number of minted ships of a specific template within a collection, you can refer to the template browser for additional details.

Asset Packs



Basic test asset pack

Templates that may drop in this pack (24)

Template Collection Remaining
Test Corvette Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Corvette Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Corvette Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Frigate Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Frigate Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Frigate Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Destroyer Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Destroyer Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Destroyer Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Destroyer Test Collection Alpha 1
Test Cruiser Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Cruiser Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Cruiser Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Cruiser Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Cruiser Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Cruiser Test Collection Alpha Unlimited
Test Cruiser Test Collection Alpha 1
Test Corvette Test Collection Beta 1
Test Corvette Test Collection Gama 1
Test Corvette TEST Unlimited
Test Corvette TEST Unlimited
Test Corvette TEST Unlimited
Test Frigate TEST Unlimited
Test Frigate TEST Unlimited

Bonus Packs

Standard Bonus Pack

500 VOID

A single mint of 1 random ship NFT from all active collections using the same weighted probabilities as asset packs.

Honored+ Bonus Pack

1,000 VOID

*A single mint of 1 random ship NFT of honored prestige or higher from all active collections using the same weighted probabilities as asset packs.

Legendary+ Bonus Pack

2,000 VOID

*A single mint of 1 random ship NFT of legendary prestige or higher from all active collections using the same weighted probabilities as asset packs.

* NOTE: Drop rates for higher tier prestiges remain the same. As an example, if a Legendary+ bonus pack is purchased and a "Common" or "Honored" prestige is rolled, the smart contract will re-roll until it achieves a "Legendary" or rarer prestige, instead of modifying the drop chances of lower prestiges.

Have an Asset Pack Redemption Key?